Sunday, 6 November 2011

Goodbye Cardigan!

Just a very quick post.....I had to take my grey cardigan back to the shops today as when I tried it on the shoulders looked and felt really strange. I took it off and noticed one of the shoulders hadnt be sewn properly. In fact, if you look at this photo (again) you can actually see one side is longer than the other.

The left hand side shoulder looks way longer!!! Although I didnt notice this yesterday :(

Anyway, there were not any left in stock and I didnt have the energy to look for any other bargains so I got the money back put it towards this instead........

Talk soon!

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Some mega bargains and presents!!

The first two items were presents from my other half for our Anniversary.  Firstly,  my new Hunter Original Gloss Wellies, in Fuchsia. They were from amazon (there are so many lovely colours) and cost around £60. As the weather is getting worse at the moment they will be ideal for walking home from work on a cold winters night! After walking home in soggy shoes for the whole of last winter these are definatly overdue!! These are my first pair of Hunters, and I did read on another site that someones lasted them over 20 years!!

My second present was this lovely tweed blazer style jacket from H&M. We actually had a voucher codes for 50% off and then another £5 off so this blazer ended up being a mega bargain!! As we got such a fab deal I actually ordered another 2 blazers and a cardigan from the website too but i am still awaiting delivery of them!

I got it in a size 10 and it fits perfectly and I love the detailed lining inside too, its really pretty!

                                        but my favourite part of this jacket is the elbow pads......

. Its so versatile and cant wait to wear it for the first time!! .....Let me know what you think??

My second little lot all came from the Tesco clothing website and boy did I get a fab deal here. I found discount codes online making these mega bargains

This cropped cardigan is from the Limited Edition Collection and orginally cost £20 but I got it for the ridiculous price of £3.93 after discounts applied!!!!! Yes, I couldnt quite believe it either, Infact I wish I got another!

The next thing I brought were these lovely leggings with studded detail again from the limited edition collection. These were £14 but only £3.67 after discount. These can be dressed up for going out in the evening but I reckon they will look great in the day with a thick jumper and boots.

I then went a little jumper crazy and brought these two. The first is a mustard coloured cable knit which was £6.29, its mega thick and will keep me snuggly in the up and coming winter months.
Now although I do love the second jumper it actually wasnt my first choice. I really wanted the cream/pink version of this but unfortunatly it wasnt in stock so i settled for this one at the bargain price of £6.29. Still love it though!

Finally *phew* is this cool little skirt. (Please excuse this picture, I just couldnt get it to rotate!)
 It looks kind of knitted but it is just the normal stretch cotton skirt. I love the pattern for winter and literally can not wait to style this and for the bargainous price of £1.88 it was a mega steel

I was thinking i might started modelling my hauls so you can get a better understanding of the style etc but I am unsure at the moment, so let me know what you would prefer.

Thankypu for reading my bloggage and I will hopefully be back shortly when my other items arrive from H&M.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

My first Blog post!!

Hello There!

Well this is my first post and a little later than expected.
I went on a little shopping trip today and picked up a few little goodies.

My first port of call was House Of Fraser as I had a £30 gift card that needed spending. I always feel quite intimidated by going into a large shop with loads of make up counters as the women always look immaculate with their bright red smiles on but none the less I braved it.  I went to the Chanel counter and after seeing the fab reviews for months and months I ended up buying the famous 'Chanel Vitalumiere Aqua'. (£31) I got shade '20 Beige' after the lady tested a little bit on moi! She asked me if she could take all of my makeup off  and I was like 'No Way' as I knew I wanted to venture around town for a bit afterwards and I would feel 'naked' without it (she ended testing it on my jaw line).
I haven't tried it properly yet but when I do I will let you know if i liked it or not. I tried to blag some sort of eye cream/ depuffer  (my eyes get terribly puffy, can anyone recommend me anything to try?) but she had none left but none the less she hunted out a couple of other samples for me to try which were 'Hydramax + Active Fluide Moisure Fluid' and 'Inimitable Mascara' in shade 10 (black). Again, as I only brought these this morning  I haven't had the pleasure to try them yet but I will let you know when I do!!

I then ventured into Primark and got the 'Oatmeal' Colour knitted jumper (£14) that i have been after for the last few weeks. There was only size 12 left so I brought it and have since decided I am glad as it will have that cool baggy look when on!

My last purchase was actually from my local PDSA charity shop and it is remarkably similar to my Primark purchase above!
So its a massively oversize Knitted Jumper which originally from Marks and Spencer's. It is sooooo huge it says its as XXL on the label!! I brought this for £4.99 which sounds quite a lot from a charity shop but its so thick and great quality I should imagine it cost a fortune brand new! I never tried it on in the shop but did as soon as I got home and I love it! Its massive as I am generally a size 10 but as the 'oversize' look is in and the weather is getting colder it will be fab! I shall probably team it up with some thick tights or leggings and some boots. Cant wait to wear it properly!
Here's a pic......

OK, so that wraps up my first ever blog post. I hope you liked it and please let me know what you would like to see in the future. I would also Love to know,whats your best ever charity shop bargain??!!

Saturday, 22 October 2011

My First Bloggage Ever!

A warm welcome to you!
You have arrived at The Beauty Conclusion where I hope to post my ramblings based around Fashion, Health & Beauty and anything else in between.  I have been thinking of doing this for a while now but I have never mustered up the energy to put fingers to keyboard....but here i finally am!
My first 'proper' post should be up within a few days then I hope to post regularly after that!
I know this is a short but sweet first rambling but as some of you might appreciate its almost half six on a Saturday evening so I need to go and make some yummy food before the X Factor starts!

The Beauty Conclusion